The Invisible Friend


There is a boy and he has an invisble friend.  A group of guys tease the boy cause they think he believes in imaginary things, but then the invisible friend turns out to be real.  The teased boy and his invisible friends start to do fun things with the cool guys, like playing catch, and other games.  One game they play is for the invisible boy to eaves drop on the girls when they are chatting in private and find out secret stuff.  The invisible boy finds out stuff about what this one girl wishes a boy would do for her, and tell the guys about it because he likes the girl and wants advice on how to proceed.  The guys tell him to take it slow and now do anything, but one of the guys actually likes the girl too and uses the info himself to impress the girl.  They continue to trick the invisble guy, but eventually he finds out and takes things into his own hands.

Possible Scenes
Boy plays chess with invisible friend, and his friends come in and see him playing by himself.  While the other friends are there, the chess pieces don't move, but when they leave, a piece moves. (computer effect) (in a house)

(scene where all the boys find out the invisible friend is real)

Later, the boys play catch with the invisible guy and hang out with him.  The guys think of a way to use the invisible guy to do something.  The boy comes and objects and tries to take away the invisible guy, but the guys offer to hang out with the loner and he accepts.  (The terms are that if the loner helps one of the guys find info about one of the girls from the invisible guy if the guys hang out with the loner.)  (The invisible guy does not know about this agreement.) (in a front yard)

The loner and the invisible guy are walking around and they see the girls, and the invisible guy says he has fallen in love at first sight.  But the loner says not to be ridiculous.  The girl was the same one who the other guy wanted to find info about.  But then the loner changes his mind and tells the invisible guy to find info about the girls. (school? shopping?)

One day (or night), the invisible guy follows the girls to somewhere the girls talk about secrets and stuff (any private place), and he overhears what kind of guy they would like, and he takes notes. (bedroom? any other private place)

The invisible guy reports back to the loner and tells him.  The loner says "great' and tells the invisible guy to tell the guys everything, and he tells them... most of the the stuff he heard, but not all. (loner's house? school?)

The guys do what the invisible guy tells them to do and it works.  Invisible guy then realizes that he was betrayed by the guys and the loner, and he starts feeding them the wrong info and the girls become upset.  The invisible guy starts talking to one of the girls from around the corner where they can't see that he's invisible. (guy's hangout place?)

(scene with girl at end in rain, invisible guy semivisible (see below)) (nearby hose, outside)

At the end, as revenge, the invisible guy leaves the rest of the guys without telling them while they are talking, and somebody else walk by and thinks the guys are crazy. (anywere)

Invisible guy who is friends with a loner boy.  Everybody makes fun of loner boy.  Guys find out invisible guy is real.  Agree to be friends w/ loner if invisible guy gets info for them.  Invisible guy does it and tells guys.  Guys do what he tells them to do and it works.  Invisible guy realizes what they did to him and that the loner turned on him to be friends with the guys.  Invisible guy likes one of the girls.  Invisible guy tells guys to do things the girls don't like and the girls become upset.  Invisible guy goes and does everything girls like to one of the girls and the girl can see him in the rain and kisses him.  Invisible guy leaves rest of the guys while talking to them and someone walks by and says the guys are crazy.

To-do List

-write out who does what where (actions-places-people)
-find cast
-further brainstorm to refine story


Role - (possiblities) (number of people needed for that part)

Loner - (Jon?) (1)
Invisible guy - (?) (1)

Guys - (Evan, Phil?) (at least 3)

Girls - (?) (at least 2)

Guy who walks by at the end - (?) (1)

Extras - (?) (?)



Technical Details

-how we are doing the invisible

two theories
one is that there is just no one there the whole time

and we just make things float
that he's holding
by either hanging them with fishing line
taking a picture of them and cutting them out in photoshop
and overlaying it on top of the video

for all the invisible man's scenes
how it works is..........
you shoot the scene once with what the invisible man is gonna do
but nothing else moving in the entire scene (so tripod required)
then you shoot the scene again with the real people
in the scene
and they pretend to took at where the guy is

then in aftereffects you put the first shot on top of the people shot

and apply an effect called "displacement"
I think
and then whenever that guy moves i will do that distorting effect
where he is see through
but you can see the shape of his body
was we do the easy way
for most the movie
but there would be
some climatic scene in the end
where it's raining
then we do the displacement effect
making like the rain is making his body semi visible

if we could pull it off........

the scene i had in mind
is when the girl
first see the invisible man
i dunno if you could get a girl to go for this......
she would kiss him
in the rain
upon finally seeing him
after many conversations of him hiding just around the corner or somewhere
in reality the girl wouldn't be kissing anyone
but she'd have to do some serious acting

if an object is insible
like glass even
when you pour water over it
you can kinda see it right?

using that displacement effect
fake rain!
which I can do!

only really hard part
we gotta do it
near someone's house
with a hose

cause we gotta hose down the streets

and background

to make the ground and everyting look wet

the scene can take place most anywhere
since it's a lot of talking
probably a couple people's houses
school for some

playing chess that's a house
playing catch
that's a front yard or soemthing
eave's dropping on girls

that's probalby a girl's bedroom

or school

some place
where they would feel safe
to talk about secrets
like that
you know?
girls sleepover?
like........I wish a boy would bring me flowers
that sort of thing

or "I like guys that know poems..."

guy that speaks another language

so say it's like french right?

so initially the invisible guy (who knows french) teaches his friend some words
to tell her
to really impress her
but once the invisible guy starts to like her
he won't help the guy anymore
and things will get all messed up with that guy and the girl

and she'll run off crying

and then invisble man talks to her
in french
and it starts to rain
as she's crying
and she turns
and sees him!



More Raw Converstaion Notes:

GhettoAznRicer: for the catch scene
idragon31: yeah?
GhettoAznRicer: do all the friends know about him?
idragon31: yeah
GhettoAznRicer: ok
idragon31: that's after
idragon31: the chess one
idragon31: hmmm
idragon31: we need to think of a good scene
GhettoAznRicer: does everybody know?
idragon31: for when they find out he is real
idragon31: (all the guys)
idragon31: no one esle
GhettoAznRicer: ok
maybe invisible guy could sneak in some place
and do something
GhettoAznRicer: whats that going to be
idragon31: hmmm
idragon31: well, since we're going the romantic comedy route
idragon31: probalby tear away from him stealing something
idragon31: or doing anything really bad
idragon31: just the eaves dropping on the girls thing
idragon31: is covers that i guess
idragon31: unless you have other ideas
idragon31: of fun stuff you could do
idragon31: when you're invisible
GhettoAznRicer: rob a bank?
idragon31: well right
idragon31: that would be kinda a bad thing
GhettoAznRicer: hmm
idragon31: and then the audience loses sympathy
idragon31: for him
GhettoAznRicer: fine i guess the eavesdropping
GhettoAznRicer: oh, then, something should happen to the invisible guy
and he has to leave
or something

then everyone thinks all of the guys are crazy
cause they all believe in the invisible guy
GhettoAznRicer: is that same scene?
idragon31: hmmm
idragon31: dunno if that works still
idragon31: well
idragon31: maybe
idragon31: hmmm
idragon31: hey
idragon31: we need to make the visible people
idragon31: do something mean to the invisible guy
idragon31: like take advantage of him somehow
GhettoAznRicer: u mean the guy friends?
idragon31: yeah
idragon31: so then they deserve everyone thinking they area crazy
idragon31: at the end
GhettoAznRicer: wait but
GhettoAznRicer: at the end
idragon31: i'm not sure what they could do though
GhettoAznRicer: everybody knows he's invisible rite?
idragon31: only the girl
idragon31: and those guys
idragon31: ok yeah
idragon31: everyone
idragon31: hmmm
idragon31: except someone new
idragon31: who hasn't been in the movie the whole time
GhettoAznRicer: i'll do that
idragon31: yeah ok
idragon31: but hmmmm
GhettoAznRicer: what can the guy friends do to the invisible guy?
idragon31: not sure
idragon31: probalby either not tell him something
idragon31: or
idragon31: hmmmm
idragon31: ohhhhhhh
idragon31: well here's a thought
idragon31: the invisible guy tells the other guys he likes this girl
idragon31: and one of the guys likes her too
idragon31: and they encourage him to find out all this stuff
idragon31: pretending they're all gonna help introduce them
idragon31: but actually he uses all the info himself
idragon31: to try to get closer to the girl
idragon31: and invisible man finds out one night
idragon31: by following him
idragon31: or something
GhettoAznRicer: wait
idragon31: then starts feeding him the bad info
GhettoAznRicer: how many girls does the invisible guy like?
idragon31: 1
GhettoAznRicer: oh ok
idragon31: the same one
idragon31: the visible guy likes
idragon31: but visible guy doesn't tell him
idragon31: that
idragon31: he just pretends to be his friend
idragon31: and talking to him about her
GhettoAznRicer: i thought the guy everyone thought was crazy liked the girl
idragon31: giving him advice
idragon31: yeah
idragon31: that guy
GhettoAznRicer: wait ok
GhettoAznRicer: i'm confused
idragon31: but the other guys don't think he's crazy after they find out about him
GhettoAznRicer: ok
idragon31: only after they all find out about him
GhettoAznRicer: and which of the visible guys like the girl?
idragon31: do we bring in this stuff about the girls
GhettoAznRicer: was it the original crazy friend?
idragon31: doesn't matter
idragon31: could be the loner
idragon31: could be any of them
GhettoAznRicer: loner becoems friends with the other guys?
GhettoAznRicer: or what
idragon31: yeah
idragon31: hmmmm
idragon31: ok
idragon31: lets not make it
idragon31: the loner
idragon31: that likes the girl
idragon31: cause he's actually friends with invisible man
idragon31: make it one of the onew guys
idragon31: one of hte new guys
GhettoAznRicer: ok
idragon31: ooooooooooo
GhettoAznRicer: there
GhettoAznRicer: now i get it
idragon31: and they plot to use him
idragon31: for this info
idragon31: and loner guy
idragon31: goes along with it
idragon31: to be cool
idragon31: to join their crowd
idragon31: betraying his invisible friend